5 Steps To Get Spring Ready

We have had at least three full days of sunshine. Ok maybe not in a row but in the last two weeks. So it’s officially time to get ready for spring.

I love spring. Its full of new promises and fresh beginnings. It’s when you finally start making plans for the summer and start to see body parts that have been hidden over winter.

We are still having the rubbish English weather though. So preparing for spring will just have to do for the next few weeks.

This is what we do to get Spring Ready.


Spring Clean

So obvious but so needed. Not just to freshen up the house but makes you feel so good inside. 

Having a good spring clean is good for the soul. Clear out the cupboards and give them all a good wipe in a fresh scent. Clean all the windows so when the sun eventually shines there isn’t any finger prints. Lift the sofas and see what treats have been left over from christmas.

Taking the curtains down and either running them through the wash or having them dry cleaned.

Cleaning all the wood work down and making it white again.

All this makes the house feel so much fresher.

Changing Scents

As much as I love cinnamon and ginger christmas is over. So new fresh scent’s are needed. From Candles to floor cleaners we even change our bleach to lemon scented.

All the supermarkets have some beautiful scented candles in at the moment so it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Zaflora is brilliant for leaving a lasting smell when you mop with it. You can also wipe down your radiators with your favourite scent. So when they come on it fills the house with the fresh smell. Washing powder is really good to do this with. And the bonus of having your house smell like fresh laundry is a brilliant bonus.


Sort Your Wardrobe

There are lots of practical tips to clear your wardrobe. Most I need to follow as I’m awful for hoarding.

  • Does it still fit
  • Do I feel comfortable in it
  • If I was shopping would I buy it again
  • Have I worn it in the last 12 months

Making room for all the new spring fashion is a must right??

Injecting Colour Into The house

Just adding a few peace’s into the house can really change the feel. This is something we have done for many years. We change our cushions for the seasons. We also get a few peace’s like new plants just to give the house a different colour feel. Our back ground decor is very neutral so it’s quite easy.


I also like to add simple things like mugs. A spring mug is a thing just like a christmas mug right??


Having Some Different Crafts / Activities

All season have different things you can do outside. Spring is brilliant for walks, seeing the baby Lambs maybe popping to a farm and seeing the chicks.

And spring crafts are just the best. Lots of easy things to make and the shops are full of them at them moment.


Let us know what you do to get Spring ready.

